the human body is a wondrous machine.
if this sounds like a preface to an olympic games-related entry, fear not, as it isn't since i barely followed it save for one exhilarating table-tennis battle in which i was sound asleep for a good half of.
no, i'm thinking about the relationship between the physical and emotional; they are co-dependant, in a way. any disturbance in one will manifest symptoms, sometimes very drastically, in the other.
lately, i've been having a great deal of trouble sleeping. even my legendary 5hr naps are nigh impossible to pull off because i wake up way before the finish line.
tiredness begets distress, distress begets insomnia, insomnia begats tiredness.
i know several of my stress points have come together recently in a blatant conspiracy to rob me of rest. alright, alright, you've made your point, i finally get it.
i'm listening.
after a short self-exiling stint, running away from letting you readers see inside my head, i've come back, sort of, to resume my blogging life.
the break wasn't all unfruitful though. i managed to sort quite a fair chunk out and gear myself up for the next couple of months which are probably going to lead me to the trembling cusp of sanity, or death.
anyway, as the past has always, always taught me, i miss writing terribly when i get into one of those 'i'm-never-writing-again' moods; so it stands to reason that i should work that love-hate aspect out. or not, we'll see.
i'm exhausted, thanks to the draining week that has gone by, so i'm gonna catch some z's now.