i can't remember the last time i made a new year's resolution. i don't generally put myself in the embarassing position of inevitably sliding off the resolution wagon but i seem to possess an uncharacteristic insistence at bringing that to pass for 2008.
a glance over my shoulder brought to the fore the many changes that have occured. many are good, hopefully not deludedly so, while some are still in the grey zone. i know that i'm out of balance as a result, but i'm not sure yet if i can handle this.
so perhaps it is to restore some familiarity or stability that the following ideas are strangely in my head. without further ado, here's what i want to accomplish for 2008:
i want to blog regularly: i want to get back into the habit of writing/blogging/journaling or however one labels it. i really miss organizing my mess up there and laying them down on the page. writing is so invaluable to sorting out the swirl of thoughts and emotions that course through me so i consider this a relatively major resolution. my first thought was a-post-a-day; yes, outrageous, i know, so during a rare sane moment i quickly decided i'll shoot for a minimum of 3 posts weekly to get the engine started again.
i want to take jazz piano lessons: there's a keyboard school at bugis which focuses on helping their students gain improvisation and playing-by-ear skills. it's a long overdue project but i think that i can muster the fortitude to complete at least a semester with the school next year. i've been working on my technique and learning some challenging pieces on my own so i think the course will really augment my abilities. hopefully the fees are affordable...
i want to get fit: this is another area in my life i've completely neglected since i left for studies in the us 11 years ago. while i generally control my eating habits, the lack of any exercise can't be good in the long run. not to mention that no one likes to be flabby and lethargic; but you have to really loathe it enough to do something about it. so i'm going to start by doing HIIT 3 times a week in the morning. i won't make it more difficult than it already is by throwing a glitzy gym membership into the equation since that would be a guaranteed failure right there, but let's just say i hope to move in that direction over time.
there. i've said it and put my rep on the line. in wanting to stick to the resolutions, the implications are enormous - discipline and time management will be important, as is maintaining the momentum for school. but how else can i make 08 a more rewarding year if i don't push myself, right?
to everyone, may 08 be bigger and better for you. and may you never get to watch me crash and burn in a huge humiliating wreck. hopefully!