the ability to see the ordinary as extraordinary.
~ dewitt jones
when considering a binge:
fried chicken or potato chips?
when considering a hobby:
a new dslr or the psp slim & lite?
when considering a splurge:
a new playstation 3 console or a getaway up north?
when considering a responsibilty:
catch up on the mound of readings or allow my body and mind to rest?
sometimes it's no fun to be an adult. just sometimes.
shaking off the inertia from my stiff fingers was unexpectedly easier than i anticipated. it is either not an insurmountable task to regain decent-playing form, or that my motivation to master the new song defied logic.
incidently, i don't really care which.
the song i'm refering to is the exciting piano theme found in the recent jay chou vehicle, 'secret'. i never intended to be able to play it in its entirety so no one could have been more surprised than i with the swift progress and eventual memorization of the piece.
it's still far from where i want it be at; but i'm pleased with one thing i learnt:
old dogs do learn new tricks when not under duress!
shin megami tensei: persona 3
i really enjoy this game tremendously. the experience harkens back to a time when i could afford to immerse myself in an alternate and fantastical reality.
however, lengthy breaks between gaming sessions destroy the illusion; and currently, with my free evenings consumed by the expectations of acadamia, the initial excitement is spluttering towards a petulant death.
this post will therefore serve the express purpose of reminding me that retreating into myself isn't always pathological. when used with care, it's a perfectly normal way of dealing with life.
but until i get the time, this part of me will just have to remain in slumber for just a bit longer.

special moments don't come around often.
special connections are rarer still.
but when these two collide, the world changes ever so slightly.
and on sept 30, 9:29pm, that's exactly what occured.