who knew that camp and pathos could ever unite so harmoniously?
take care not to be distracted by the abundance of sequins lest you overlook the quietly aching heartbeat of this gem.
all that glitters is not gold; but when it is, don't be blinded into believing otherwise.
as we respond to life, second by second, a framework is being meticulously constructed from which our future behavior will manifest.
for good, or otherwise, the impact of our past is tremendous.
so pervasive is the experience that our power to hope and heal crumbles with time's passage.
fortunately there is Someone who can restore innocence lost; the question is, would you want it anymore?
i have been intending to experience the new classy range of japanese dark chocolates by meiji.
i figured the manly thing to do was to hit on 99% cacao.
it turned out to be a really disasterous plan.
now i know my place in chocolate-dom.

when your thoughts wander into the notorious realm of excess, can you arrest them before decision-making becomes a lucky draw?
can you distinguish between caution and fear? can you toe that extra fine line with finesse?
i think i can't, though this realization is a small comforting step towards conquering my weakness.
i wonder, between bravery or patience, which would i need more of?
i have never been famed for a sunny disposition; and a single absurdly frustrating afternoon is iron-clad testament to that fact.
"you look stressed." ben observed with a smarmy grin.
"no, i'm not," came my terse reply, "i'm just freaking annoyed."
i was, in fact, summoning all my will power to stay annoyed because anything above that level would have rendered me a nasty snarling beast.
several hours later and with the technical glitches still mockingly intact, i'm mostly just embarassed with myself.
and maybe just a tad annoyed still.
can unconditional acceptance be humanly achieved?
for it is one thing to adopt an open-arms stance, but quite another to harbor absolutely no rancor nor suspicion.
the heart's darkness is a near-impossible challenge to tame, i realize.
so now i feel fraudulent.
can practice make perfect here? would it be worth the anguish?